Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bouquets for Friday Spetember 26th and Monday September 29th

It is hard to believe it is the end of September and I have only 3 more weeks of deliveries. Bouquets for this week contained mainly chrysanthemums and asters. I also have lilies which were started in crates on July 15th, plus some annuals that are still producing like snapdragons, statice, zinnias and sunflowers.

I am both proud and ashamed of using roadside white asters in this yellow and white bouquet. Proud because they look quite nice and I don't have any white aster hybrids, but a bit ashamed because they are, after all. roadside weeds!

I made several burgandy and white bouquets this week just to get away from all the yellow, gold and red that is around in the fall.

I made many bouquets using purple and orange with dashes of gold. The lily here is 'Royal Sunset' and the picture really doesn't do it justice. The red-orange in the picture is actually kind of a deep pink and the yellow throat in the lily is more dark gold than it appears in the picture. The aster is a hybrid called 'Little Carlow'. The pinkish-orange spikes are an Agastache but the name escapes me right now.

I have a few of this wine red aster called 'Crimson Brocade' which is just beautiful. After dividing it again next year I should have plenty. I don't usually combine crimson and orange becqause they usually clash a bit, but it somehow works here, maybe because there is enough purple in the aster to bring out the purple-orange contrast.

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