Friday, May 16, 2008

Bouquets for Friday May 16th

This was the end of the tulips and daffodils until next year. I ended up combining colors in many of these bouquets that I really don't like putting together. However, sometimes I just have to make the best of what is available. To paraphrase our former Secretary of Defense, you go with the flowers you have, not the flowers you wish you had.

Many people got bouquets that looked something like this:

Ordinarily I am really fussy about never combining yellows with pinks, but I think I may have finally gotten the hang of how to condition lilacs so they last more than a day or two, so I decided to give them to nearly everyone.
The bouquets contained the same things as the last week or two - tulips, daffodils, bleeding heart, doronicum, trollius, lilacs and yews. A few also contained varigated solomon's seal. I'll post about that flower shortly.

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