Monday, February 4, 2008

Plants for the Late May Slow Time

Mid to late May is still spring but for cut flowers it is a bit of a slow time. During this couple weeks the daffodils and tulips have finished but the early summer flowers like delphiniums and peonies have not yet started. The medium height iris bloom at this time and I also force some lilies and these both help to provide large flowers, but I seem to always be struggling to find other, smaller flowers to complement them.

This year I'm going to be either adding to or starting new plantings of the following to try to deal with this time:

Trollius chinensis (Globe Flower)

Aquilegia (Columbine)

Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy)

Chrysanthemum coccineum (Painted Daisy)

Campanula persicifolia (Peach-leaved Bellflower)

Centaurea montana (Perennial Cornflower)

Seed starting information and other details to follow!

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