Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Seeds for 2008

I just finished doing deliveries for 2007 but it is already time to prepare seed orders for next year. I always have seed left over from previous years but it seems like I still end up ordering the same amount because the business keeps expanding and I keep trying new things. I will probably still add or remove some things in the next week or so but these are the seeds I plan on ordering. Items with a * are new this year, though most of the perennials won’t start appearing in bouquets until 2009.

Alchemilla mollis (Lady’s Mantle)
Aquilegia (Columbine)
      Barlow Series
      *Lime Sorget
      Swan Violet & White
Asclepias (Butterfly Weed or milkweed)
      *incarnata 'Soulmate'
      incarnata 'Ice Ballet'
      tuberosa Wild Orange Type
Campanula persicifolia (Bellflower)
      *White Bell
      * Blue Bell
Centaurea (perennial bachelor button)
Chrysanthemum coccineum (Painted Daisy)
      Robinson’s Mix
Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy)
      *May Queen
      *belladonna Oriental Sky
      cultorum Aurora F1 Mix
      cultorum Clear Springs Mid-Blue
Echinops ritro (Globe Thistle)
Erigeron speciosus (Fleabane)
      Azure Fairy
      Pink Jewel
Eryngium alpinum (Sea Holly)
      *Blue Star
Malva sylvestris
Trollius (Globe flower)
      Golden Queen

Ageratum Blue Horizon
Ammi majus
Ammi visnaga
      Green Mist
Anirrhinium (Snapdragon)
      Opus ‘Appleblossom’
      *Opus ‘Bronze’
      *Madame Butterfly Mix
Asclepias curassavica (Butterfly weed)
      *Apollo Yellow
      Silky series Deep Red
Bupleurum rotundifolium
Capsicum (ornamental pepper)
      *Cappa Series Conic WhiteRed
Celosia Century Yellow
Delphinium (larkspur)
      QIS Series
Delphinium consolida Regalis (panticle larkspur)
      Cloud Series
Dianthus x barbatus (1st year flowering sweet William)
      Amazon Neon Rose Magic
      Amazon Neon Duo
Eucalyptus cinerea
      Silver Dollar Tree
Godetia (Satin flower)
      Flamingo Series Red
      Flamingo Series Salmon
      Flamingo Series White
Gomphrena haageana
      Strawberry fields
Gypsophilia elegans (annual baby’s breath) White Elephant
Helianthus Annus (Sunflower)
      *Premier Lemon
      *Orange Mahogony Bicolor
      Pro Cut Lemon
      Pro Cut Orange
      Double Quick Orange
      *Sunrich Lemon
      *Sunrich Gold
      *Sunrich Orange
Iberis amara (Candytuft)
      White Pinnacle
      *Echo Blue Picotee
      Echo Champagne
      Echo Lavender
      Echo Pink Picotee
      Twinkle Deep blue
      Twinkle blue blush
      *Magic Series mix
      Flamenco mix
      Cinderella White
      Cinderella Pink
      Cinderella Blue
Nigella damascena
      Persian Jewels mix
Phlox drummondi
      Tapestry Mix
Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan)
      Cherokee Sunset
      Chim chiminee
Stock Matthiola (fragrant stocks)
      Anytime Series
Verbena bonariensis ‘Finesse’
      Benary's Giant Dahlia BluePoint Series

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